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Small libraries that provide utility functionality or a base for other libraries to build upon.


StateMachine is a very simple interface to implement a StateMachine with the concept of emitting state through a kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow and receiving input actions to mutate that state.

For an example on how to build such a state machine check out [FlowRedux][2]. When using Compose UI the StateMachine can be observed with produceState() and actions can be dispatched to it by simply launching them from a CoroutineScope created with rememberCoroutineScope().


Additionally there is a test artifact that provides StateMachine.test and StateMachine.testIn extension functions.



TextResource is a domain specific model to represent text. Abstracts text whether it a localized String sent by the backend, a simple Android string resource (with or without formatting args) or an Android plurals resource. This way business logic with text can be easily tested without requiring Context and running on a device.

For more information about the motivation for this abstraction check out this [blog post][1].
