Package-level declarations
Causes an emission to the current DestinationNavigator.backPresses collector to make it possible to simulate a back press in tests that check custom back press logic.
Causes an emission to the current TestHostNavigator.backPresses collector to make it possible to simulate a back press in tests that check custom back press logic.
Creates a NavigationResultRequest.Key for testing purposes. This should only be used for testing the result sender that retrieves a key as part of its argument.
Send a fake result to collectors of this request. Can be used to test the result handling logic.
Collects events from DestinationNavigator and allows the validate lambda to consume and assert properties on them in order. If any exception occurs during validation the exception is rethrown from this method.
Collects events from TestHostNavigator and allows the validate lambda to consume and assert properties on them in order. If any exception occurs during validation the exception is rethrown from this method.
Collects events from DestinationNavigator and returns a NavigatorTurbine for consuming and asserting properties on them in order. If any exception occurs during validation the exception is rethrown from this method.
Collects events from TestHostNavigator and returns a NavigatorTurbine for consuming and asserting properties on them in order. If any exception occurs during validation the exception is rethrown from this method.