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This one is useful if you want to collect a Flow (from Kotlin Coroutines) only while being exactly in that state. To give a concrete example how this is useful let’s extend our ItemListStateMachine example. Let’s say whenever our state machine is in Error state we want to retry loading the items after 3 seconds in Error state or anytime before the 3 seconds have elapsed if the user clicks the retry button. Furthermore the 3 seconds countdown timer should be displayed in our UI as well. This is how the UI should look like:

Automatically Retry

To implement this let’s first extend our Error state:

data class Error(
    val message: String,
    val countdown: Int // This value is decreased from 3 then 2 then 1 and represents the countdown value.
) : ListState

Now let’s add some countdown capabilities to our state machine by using collectWhileInState():

class ItemListStateMachine(
    private val httpClient: HttpClient
) : FlowReduxStateMachine<ListState, Action>(initialState = Loading) {

    init {
        spec {
            inState<Loading> {
                onEnter { state: State<Loading> ->
                    // We have discussed this block already in a previous section
                    try {
                        val items = httpClient.loadItems()
                        state.override { ShowContent(items) }
                    } catch (t: Throwable) {
                        state.override { Error(
                            message ="A network error occurred", 
                            countdown = 3 // countdown is new
                        ) }

            inState<Error> {
                on<RetryLoadingAction> { action: RetryLoadingAction, state: State<Error> ->
                    // We have discussed this block already in a previous section
                    state.override { Loading }

                val timer : Flow<Int> = timerThatEmitsEverySecond()
                collectWhileInState(timer) { timerValue: Int, state: State<Error> ->
                    // This block triggers every time the timer emits
                    // which happens every second
                    state.override { // we use .override() because we could move to another type of state
                        // inside this block, this references Error state
                        if (this.countdown > 0)
                            this.copy(countdown = this.countdown - 1) // decrease countdown by 1 second
                            Loading // transition to the Loading state

    private fun timerThatEmitsEverySecond(): Flow<Int> = flow {
        var timeElapsed = 0
        while (isActive) {  // is Flow still active?
            delay(1_000)     // wait 1 second
            emit(timeElapsed) // Flow Emits value

Let’s look at the source code above step by step. What is new is that Error state contains now an additional field countdown : Int which we set on transitioning from Loading to Error(countdown = 3) (means 3 seconds left on the countdown clock).

We extend inState<Error> { ... } block and add collectWhileInState(timer) block. timer is a Flow<Int> that emits a new (incremented) number every second. collectWhileInState(timer) internally calls .collect {...} on the flow passed as first parameter (in our case the timer). The second parameter is the a block with the parameters timerValue : Int and State<Error>.

In other words: instead of calling timer.collect { ... } directly you call collectWhileInState(timer) { ... } to collect the Flow. FlowRedux then takes care of canceling the flow once the surrounding inState{ ... } condition doesn’t hold anymore. In our case, the timer is automatically canceled once the state machine transitions from Error state into another state. This happens either when the user clicks on the retry button and which triggers on<RetryLoadingAction> which causes a state transition to Loading or when 3 seconds have elapsed (inside collectWhileInState(timer)).