Package-level declarations


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abstract class BaseBuilderBlock<InputState : S, S : Any, A : Any>
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sealed class ChangedState<out S>

Represents a state transition. Instances of this a created through the State.mutate, State.override and State.noChange methods.

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class ConditionBuilderBlock<InputState : S, S : Any, A : Any> : BaseBuilderBlock<InputState, S, A>
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Defines which behavior a DSL Block such as on<Action> should have whenever a new action or value is emitted.

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annotation class FlowReduxDsl
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abstract class FlowReduxStateMachine<S : Any, A : Any>(initialStateSupplier: () -> S) : StateMachine<S, A>
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class FlowReduxStoreBuilder<S : Any, A : Any>
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class IdentityBuilderBlock<InputState : S, S : Any, A : Any> : BaseBuilderBlock<InputState, S, A>
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class InStateBuilderBlock<InputState : S, S : Any, A : Any> : BaseBuilderBlock<InputState, S, A>
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class State<InputState : Any>(val snapshot: InputState)

Allows to create ChangedState objects to change the state as a result of DSL methods like InStateBuilderBlock.on or InStateBuilderBlock.onEnter.


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fun <S> ChangedState<S>.reduce(state: S): S

Transforms the given state according to ChangedState and returns the new S.